The Durand er en patentert vinåpner som brukes for å trekke opp fragile vinkorker uten at korken smuldrer opp. Porøse og skjøre vinkorker forekommer oftest på eldre viner, og det er her en Durand virkelig kommer til sin rett!
The Durand er førstevalget blant profesjonelle og vinsamlere, og det er en flott gave til alle som har interesse for moden vin.
"We have been using The Durand at our Rare Wine Dinners and tastings in Australia for wines as old as 1907 and 1929. The Durand has now opened 100’s of rare museum wines for us with incredible accuracy and success. Now we are recommending this tool to all our customers and friends.”
- Shannon Noble, Rare Wine Dinners, Australia

The Durand® is a fully patented, two part device that enables the user to successfully remove older and fragile wine corks whole and intact. The Durand was invented by wine collector Mark Taylor who had struggled with challenging corks when opening older fine wines. He founded Wining Taylors, LLC (based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA) to manufacture and market The Durand in 2007. The Durand is named for Yves Durand, a world-renowned sommelier, and a personal friend and mentor.
Using The Durand for older, fragile or compromised corks eliminates the unwanted outcomes of broken corks, corks pushed into bottles or corks partially removed leaving pieces floating in the wine. The Durand removes the cork whole and contained.
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